Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Adobe AIR Layer

Acrobat is essentially a layer for viewing pdf files and the browser is a layer for html content and flash is a layer for animation. Much like the other layers for their respective content type, Adobe AIR makes application content available seamlessly to several platforms (Win/Mac/Linux) after an intial install of the foundation software. AIR applications can also be published to iOS and Android. AIR restricts apps much like how browser restricts web apps, Acrobat restricts pdf apps, and Apple restricts iPhone apps. While web apps can be HTML5-extended (browser layer upgrade) for offline functionality, AIR can do the same plus desktop presense and some native integration. Adobe has a marketplace for AIR apps to expand user base. Some settop and DVR appliances have shown the appeal of previous layers for viewing pdf, flv, and media content. The AIR layer may allow future appliances to easily offer app experience like iPad without reinventing the OS.


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