Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sqlite db max size

In Safari/iPhone, sqlite databases are allocated 5MB by default. When usage goes up, Safari prompts user to confirm reallocating to 10MB. The next level is 25MB. If there is more than one db for a domain, all the max size settings are the same, even after increasing allocation. I have tried about 50 databases in one domain (easy to do with js object instantiation) now increased to 25MB. If each db was allocated 25MB, that would be 1.2GB total. I think the 25MB max is for the whole domain. That's why all databases say 25MB even empty one showing 20KB used.

Monday, March 21, 2011

AJAX Schizophrenia on iPhone

I have encountered a weird ajax javascript behavior on HTML5/iPhone/safari. It succeeds when the code is included inline in the body of the script tag, but fails to retrieve data when the same code is referenced using src. The failure is in returning empty string in the ajax xhr responseText with OK status.

This is apparently a symptom of cache-manifest sync-ing restrictions along with iPhones inaccurate communication indication. The client never communicated with the server even though the network spinner indicated otherwise. The iPhone client was talking to itself like Norman Bates and reporting responses instead of errors. The faulty wiring was caused by cache-manifest behavior that blocked communication with the server.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

App-by-email and images coming soon

I have completed POC on App-by-email and images features. That means users can create an iPhone Appcast by simply sending the contents in an email. Images can also be incorporated (and cached) in appcast designs.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Appcasts including more HTML5 features

I've been doing more development on the appcast engine to include more HTML 5 features. Most recent work include:
- circular gesture for scrolling
- simple sqlite app framework
- backward compatibility with older iOS versions
- offline addition of pages and appcasts